About this study

We compared some popular component libraries that comes with very different messages: Semantic for being the “mature guy in the room”, MUI for customisability and community support, and finally, IBM’s Carbon Design for accessibility. We tested all of them and compared them head-to-head for your reading pleasure 😀

Of course, since we are an accessibility company, our tests and evaluation method is purely from an accessibility standpoint. We hope you enjoy and benefit from this work.

Component libraries included in the study

Definition: Accessibility ranking

Components are compared to each other and ranked amongst themselves based on their accessibility test findings.

Overall results and accessibility rankings

Component Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Input 3 2 1
Input with accessory 2 1 N/A
Textarea 3 2 1
Date picker N/A 1 2
Dropdown 2 3 1
Slider N/A 2 1
Radio Group 3 2 1
Checkbox Group 2 3 1
Button 3 2 1
Button with icon 3 2 1
File uploader N/A N/A 1
Modal 2 3 1
Accordion 3 2 1
Chip 1 3 2
Wizard 3 1 2
Toggletip N/A 2 1
Tooltip 3 2 1
Tab Group 3 1 2
Total 1st rankings 1 4 13
Total 2nd rankings 4 9 4


Component library Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Generic Semantic UI components are old-school, and accessibility is poor on
many components.
Material Design look is appealing, especially since Flutter is used in app
development. Although Material Design look gets more recognized every day, it still confuses
iOS, iPadOS and macOS users who expect to see native-looking UI components.
Carbon uses a non-conventional grid system called 2x. It is different than
12 column grids which mainstream UI frameworks use. This brings new possibilities but also limitations
on how UI can be designed. Carbon has a strong focus, test procedures and roadmap for
Maintainability Semantic UI has a comprehensive documentation for development. Developer API is simple to
use and there is a large collection of components.
MUI has a comprehensive documentation and a toolset for development. There is a large
collection of components.
Carbon is promising but immature from a developer’s perspective.

Version 11 was recently released with breaking changes, and it is still under development (they release
a new minor version every 1-2 weeks).

Documentation for this version is partially incomplete/outdated.

There are no type definitions for the latest version, which makes it difficult to develop if you are
using Typescript.

Support There are 326 contributors for the project at GitHub. MUI has a paid premium support plan. It is supported by IBM, usually you get a response for GitHub
issues in hours
. There are 347 contributors in GitHub.
Community There are 2,734 questions on Stack Overflow. 64% of them has an accepted
There are 19,815 questions on Stack Overflow. 60% of them has an accepted
Carbon is not a popular framework. There are only 48 questions
asked on Stack Overflow
and only a few of them has an answer.

Accessibility test results by component


Inputs enables users to enter free-form text data.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Inputopens in new window BasicTextFieldopens in new window TextInputopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Textbox MUI textbox Carbon Design Textbox
Accessibility Ranking 3 2 1

Input with accessory

Inputs with accessory indicate what type of data is expected from the user.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Inputopens in new window Input Adornmentsopens in new window N/A
Appearance Semantic UI Input with accessory MUI Input with accessory N/A
Accessibility Ranking 2 1 N/A


Textarea enables users to enter free-form text data,usually for longer texts.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Text Areaopens in new window Multilineopens in new window Text areaopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Textarea MUI Textarea Multiline Carbon Design Textarea
Accessibility Ranking 3 2 1

Date Picker

Date picker allows users to select a date.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component N/A Date Pickeropens in new window Date Pickeropens in new window
Appearance N/A MUI Datepicker Carbon Design Datepicker
Accessibility Findings N/A DATMUI-1 DATCADE-1 DATCADE-2 DATCADE-3
Accessibility Ranking N/A 1 2


Dropdowns present a list of options from which a user can select.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Dropdownopens in new window Selectopens in new window Dropdownopens in new window
Appearance Skandia UI Dropdown MUI Select Carbon Design Dropdown
Accessibility Ranking 2 3 1


Slider provides a visual indication of adjustable content, where the user can increase or decrease the value by moving the handle along a horizontal track.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component N/A Slideropens in new window Slideropens in new window
Appearance N/A MUI Slider Carbon Design Slider
Accessibility Findings N/A SLIMUI-1 SLICADE-1
Accessibility Ranking N/A 2 1

Radio Group

Radio group presents a list of options where only one value from the list is allowed to be selected at any time.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Radio Checkboxopens in new window Radio Groupopens in new window Radio Buttonopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Radio Group MUI Radio Group Carbon Design Radio Group
Accessibility Findings RADSEUI-1 RADSEUI-2 RADSEUI-3 No issues are observed No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking 3 2 1

Checkbox Group

Checkbox group presents a list of options where any number of values can be selected. Zero, one or all possible values and anything in between.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Checkboxopens in new window FormGroupopens in new window Checkboxopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Checkbox Group MUI Checkbox Group Carbon Design Checkbox Group
Accessibility Findings No issues are observed CHEMUI-1 No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking 2 3 1


Buttons are used to initialize an action. Button labels express what action will occur when the user interacts with it.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Buttonopens in new window Basic Buttonopens in new window Buttonopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Button MUI Button Carbon Design Button
Accessibility Findings BUTSEUI-1 BUTMUI-1 No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking 3 2 1

Button with icon

Buttons are used to initialize an action. Button labels and icon express what action will occur when the user interacts with it.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Button (Basic)opens in new window Buttons with icons and labelopens in new window Buttonopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Button with Icon MUI Button with Icon Carbon Design Button with Icon
Accessibility Findings BUTISEUI-1 BUTIMUI-1 No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking 3 2 1

File uploader

File uploaders allow users to select one or more files to upload to the website/app.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component N/A N/A File uploaderopens in new window
Appearance N/A N/A Carbon Design File Uploader
Accessibility Findings N/A N/A FILCADE-1
Accessibility Ranking N/A N/A 1


Modals focuses the user’s attention exclusively on one task or piece of information via a window that sits on top of the page content.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Modalopens in new window Modalopens in new window Modalopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Modal MUI Modal Carbon Design Modal
Accessibility Findings MODSEUI-1 MODSEUI-2 MODESUI-3 MODMUI-1 No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking 2 3 1


An accordion is a vertically stacked list of headers that reveal or hide associated sections of content.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Accordionopens in new window Accordionopens in new window Accordionopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Accordion MUI Accordion  Carbon Design Accordion
Accessibility Findings ACCSEUI-1 ACCMUI-1 No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking 3 2 1


Chips are used to label, categorize, or organize items using keywords that describe them.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Labelopens in new window Chipopens in new window Tagopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Chip MUI Chip Carbon Design Chip
Accessibility Findings CHISEUI-1 CHIMUI-1 No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking 1 3 2


A wizard is a visual representation of a user’s progress through a set of steps, guiding toward the completion of a specific process.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Stepopens in new window Stepperopens in new window Progress Indicatoropens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Step MUI Stepper Carbon Design Progress Indicator
Accessibility Ranking 3 1 2


Toggletips use the disclosure pattern to toggle the visibility of a popover.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component N/A Tooltip (Triggers)opens in new window Toggletipopens in new window
Appearance N/A MUI Toggletip Carbon Design Toggletip
Accessibility Findings N/A TOGMUI-1 No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking N/A 2 1


Tooltips display additional information upon hover or focus. The information included should be contextual, helpful, and nonessential while providing that extra ability to communicate and give clarity to a user.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Popupopens in new window Tooltipopens in new window Tooltipopens in new window
Appearance Semantic UI Tooltip MUI Tooltip Carbon Design Tooltip
Accessibility Findings TOOSEUI-1 TOOMUI-1 No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking 3 2 1

Tab Group

Tabs are used to organize related content. They allow the user to navigate between groups of information that appear within the same context.

Semantic UI MUI Carbon Design
Component Tabopens in new window Tabsopens in new window Tabsopens in new window
Appearance Semantic Tab Group MUI Tab Group Carbon Design Tabs
Accessibility Findings TABSEUI-1 No issues are observed No issues are observed
Accessibility Ranking 3 1 2

Finding Details


Semantic UI


A visual label needs to be provided. The HTML5 placeholder attribute in a text input does not replace the label element. Please refer to W3C research about placeholders and labels.

Screenshot of INPSEUI-1


A standard input component keyboard focus border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border-color: #85B7D9). The current color contrast is 2.1:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of INPSEUI-2


A standard input component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border color: #DEDEDF). The current color contrast is 1.3:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of INPSEUI-3



The “Basic TextField” component needs a border. Without a border or a background color, it’s difficult to understand this object is an input field with a single bottom-border alone, especially if the user is not familiar with Material Design/Android look and feel.

Screenshot of INPMUI-1

Carbon Design


The text input field’s placeholder text needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #F4F4F4, border-color: #9B9B9B). The current color contrast is 2.5:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of INPCADE-1


Inside the “Text input,” the background color does not have sufficient color contrast (Foreground color code: #F4F4F4 background color code: #FFFFFF). The current color contrast is 1.1:1, the expected color contrast is 3:1, and the component does not have an all-around border. Therefore, it will negatively impact partially sighted or color-blind users.

Screenshot of INPCADE-2

Input with accessory

Semantic UI


A visual label needs to be provided. The HTML5 placeholder attribute in a text input does not replace the label element. Please refer to W3C research about placeholders and labels.

Screenshot of INPESEUI-1


The input component keyboard focuses border needs sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border-color: #85B7D9). The current color contrast is 2.1:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of INPESEUI-2


The input component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border-color: #DEDEDF). The current color contrast is 1.3:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of INPESEUI-3


Screen Readers must narrate the base label name and input(Labeled) component label in both focus and form mode. For example, in the screenshot below, when the screen reader lands on the “Enter weight” input(labeled) field, the screen reader narrates, “Enter weight edit selected 34” But the screen reader should narrate, “Enter weight edit selected 34 kg.”

Screenshot of INPESEUI-4



The Input Adornments component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border color: #E7EBF0). The current color contrast is 1.2:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of INPEMUI-1


Screen Readers must narrate the base label name and “Input Adornments” component label in focus and form mode. For example, in the screenshot below, when the screen reader lands on the “Weight” Input Adornments field, the screen reader narrates, “Weight edit selected 34,” But the screen reader should narrate, “Weight edit selected 34 kg.”

Screenshot of INPEMUI-2


Semantic UI


The Text Area component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border-color: #DEDEDF). The current color contrast is 1.3:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of TEXSEUI-1


The Text Area component keyboard focus border needs sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border-color: #85B7D9). The current color contrast is 2.1:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of TEXSEUI-2


In both focus and form mode, Screen Readers are not narrating the label name when Screen Reader focus lands on the “Text area” component because the label has not programmatically mapped the respective text area component.

Screenshot of TEXSEUI-3



The multiline component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border color: #C4C4C4). The current color contrast is 1.7:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of TEXMUI-1

Carbon Design


The text area field’s placeholder text needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #F4F4F4, border-color: #A9A9A). The current color contrast is 2.1:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of TEXCADE-1


Inside the “Text area,” the background color does not have sufficient color contrast (Foreground color code: #F3F3F3 background color code: #FFFFFF). The current color contrast is 1.1:1, the expected color contrast is 3:1, and the component does not have an all-around border. Therefore, it will negatively impact partially sighted or color-blind users.

Screenshot of TEXCADE-2

Date Picker



The Date Picker component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border-color: #C4C4C4). The current color contrast is 1.7:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.
Screenshot of DATMUI-1

Carbon Design


The Date Picker component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #F4F4F4, foreground color: #9B9B9B). The current color contrast is 2.5:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of DATCADE-1


Inside the “Date picker label field,” the background color does not have sufficient color contrast (Foreground color code: #F4F4F4 background color code: #FFFFFF). The current color contrast is 1.1:1, the expected color contrast is 3:1, and the component does not have an all-around border. Therefore, it will negatively impact partially sighted or color-blind users.

Screenshot of DATCADE-2


In the Date Picker component, shortcut keys are not working. Please refer to the WCAG date picker shortcut key access example.


Semantic UI


The Dropdown component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border color: #B2B2B2). The current color contrast is 2.1:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1



Screen readers must narrate the options list in both scan and focus mode.


Screen readers must narrate the list count and position state (Selected) in both scan and focus mode.


Screen readers are not narrating the Helper text when the screen reader focus lands on the “Select” component.

Screenshot of DROMUI-3


The Select component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #ffffff, border color: #E7EBF0). The current color contrast is 1.2:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of DROMUI-4

Carbon Design


Inside the “Dropdown,” the background color does not have sufficient color contrast (Foreground color code: #F4F4F4 background color code: #FFFFFF). The current color contrast is 1.1:1, the expected color contrast is 3:1, and the component does not have an all-around border. Therefore, it will negatively impact partially sighted or color-blind users.

Screenshot of DROCADE-1




Visual label not provided for slider component. Visible labels to identify all form controls. In most cases, this is done by using the <label> element.

Screenshot of SLIMUI-1

Carbon Design


Inside the “Slider,” the background color does not have sufficient color contrast (Foreground color code: #F4F4F4 background color code: #FFFFFF). The current color contrast is 1.1:1, the expected color contrast is 3:1, and the component does not have an all-around border. Therefore, it will negatively impact partially sighted or color-blind users.

Screenshot of SLICADE-1

Radio Group

Semantic UI


The “Radio Checkbox” component’s legend is not defined programmatically in the legend tag. As a result, screen readers are not able to narrate the legend when the screen reader focus lands on the radio button.


Screen readers are not narrating the “Radio Checkbox” component’s label information in scan and focus mode.


Screen readers narrate the invalid radio button count in the “Radio Checkbox” component.

Screenshot of RADSEUI-3

Checkbox Group



Screen readers are not narrating the element’s help text when the screen reader focus lands on the first checkbox. The execrated behaviour is when the screen reader lands on the first check box, it should narrate the legend, label name, and help text along with the checkbox role and state.


Semantic UI


Very weak way to display focus. Color change is almost non-noticable and there is no border.

Screenshot of BUTSEUI-1



The “Button” component keyboard focus needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #BAD6F1, foreground color: #237CD4). The current color contrast is 2.8:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of BUTMUI-1

Button with icon

Semantic UI


The ” Button basic” component border needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #FFFFF, foreground color: #DEDEDF). The current color contrast is 1.3:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of BUTISEUI-1



The ” Buttons with icons and label” component keyboard focus needs to have sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #BAD6F1, foreground color: #237CD4). The current color contrast is 2.8:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of BUTIMUI-1

File uploader

Carbon Design


Screen readers are not narrating the help text or descriptive file format information.

Screenshot of FILCADE-1


Semantic UI


After activating the “Modal” component keyboard focus moves to background elements.

Screenshot of MODSEUI-1


Screen readers are not narrating the “Modal” component information.

Screenshot of MODSEUI-2


Headings are not defined programmatically in the side modal window component. As a result, screen readers are not narrating the Modal component heading information.

Screenshot of MODSEUI-3



Screen readers are not narrating the “Modal” dialog information when the modal component is opened.

Screenshot of MODMUI-1


Semantic UI


By using the keyboard unable to access and navigate the “Accordion” component. Please refer WCAG example in given link https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/example-index/accordion/accordion



A keyboard focus border should be required, along with a color change for a better focus keyboard indicator.


Semantic UI


Alternative texts are not provided for icons. Alt attributes enable screen readers to read the information about on-page images/icons for the benefit of a person with a complete lack of sight, who is visually impaired, or who is otherwise unable to view the images on the page. Currently, screen readers are narrating “23”. And The expected screen reader narration is “Email 23”.

Screenshot of CHISEUI-1



Provide the descriptive <title> text to describe the SVG image purpose. Here, <title> tag enables screen readers to read the information about on-page images/icons for the benefit of a person with a complete lack of sight, who is visually impaired, or who is otherwise unable to view the images on the page.

Screenshot of CHIMUI-1


Semantic UI


“Step” component items are not defined in the list. As a result, users relying on screen readers cannot identify the wizard items count in scan mode. Please refer WCAG example https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/forms/multi-page/



“Stepper” component items are not defined in the list. As a result, users relying on screen readers cannot identify the wizard items count in scan mode. Please refer WCAG example https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/forms/multi-page/


The “Stepper” component keyboard focuses border needs sufficient color contrast. (Background color: #5E9FE0, Foreground color: #FFFFFF). The current color contrast is 2.8:1, and the expected contrast ratio is 3:1.

Screenshot of WIZMUI-2


The keyboard focus order is not logical after activating the “Back” button. After pressing the “Back” button, the keyboard focus moves to the next element instead of the Previous step’s interactive element.


In the “Stepper” component step section, headings are not defined in the heading tag. As a result, users relying on screen readers will have difficulty understanding the content structure.

Screenshot of WIZMUI-4

Carbon Design


Unconventional icons conveying the status of each step, in progress, invalid, completed etc. Changing icons is difficult.




The screen reader narrates the help text immediately when the screen reader focus lands on the “Tooltip (Triggers)” component. However, after activating the “Tooltips (Triggers)” component, the screen reader is not narrating any information.


Semantic UI


By using the keyboard unable to access/navigate the “Popup” component. Screen readers do not narrate the element’s name and role.



The screen reader narrates the help text immediately when the screen reader focus lands on the “Tooltip” component. However, after activating the “Tooltips” component, the screen reader is not narrating any information.

Tab Group

Semantic UI


By using the keyboard tab key unable to navigate the “Tab” component.

Published On: 2023-01-04 /

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